RTalk ‘Anarchy’ – Svetlana Ushakova and Iryna Ostapyuk

The tragic developments in the Ukraine throw a heavy shadow over this RTalk which was filmed at the height of the unrest in January in Kazakhstan. It was a courageous conversation then but now – in the light of the current events – it has a haunting if not radical quality.
0:00 Introduction of Svetlana and Iryna and the history of this episode of RTalk.
8:28 Svetlana’s take on ‘anarchy’ referring to freedom from repression and from violence:
13:39 The paradox between aspirations and the fear of the adventure to go beyond all that is known. Can humanity reinvent itself?
16:34 Chaos versus the human need for order. Reciprocal collaboration and self-organisation not falling prey to schemes and impositions.
21:04 A freely constituted society without the authority of oppression; a new political philosophy and social movement involving voluntary associations and allowing diversity.
27:59 The uniqueness of the individual creates the opportunity to fearlessly express your opinion and merge it into a new and greater wholeness. The governing principles: reciprocity, co-influence and interdependence.
31:54. The opportunity to de-construct structures of governments, corporations, families and within the individual itself to create a time for reflection and to build bridges into the future.
35:07 Learn to live with uncertainty and find the confidence to respond to things as they come, free of the reflex to control and manipulate. This allows us to step aside from the notion of norm, of standard.
40:28 The value of letting people disagree and find consensus on their own volition. This creates an environment of generosity and mutual recognition with dignity and true gratitude.
45:26 Practical observations from the unrest in Kazakhstan: calmness and absence of aggression provide for true safety and resolutions. Taking part and getting actively involved is essential.
52:17 Svetlana summarizes: “For a long time, I avoided this word ‘anarchy’ because I had a very narrow understanding of it. Now I understand it in a more profound and different way.”
55:00 Iryna summarizes: “I find a part of me wants stability and doesn’t really like change. In a period like this, it’s important to react quickly and to make decisions. This is my opportunity to learn in this period of change.”
57:19 René summarizes: “Anarchy today must not be about destroying structures in the ways of the past but about a collaborative de-construction, honest reflection and creation of space for natural structures to evolve and to provide room for diversity to manifest itself in thus far unknown forms.”
Svetlana Ushakova
was born in 1965 in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. Happy in a family with a husband, children and granddaughter. Since childhood, she was interested in what energy is, and she had a lot of mystical experience. She has 3 higher educations: physicist-teacher, research astrologer, psychologist.
Since 2003 she has been practicing Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho and is a Reiki Master since 2006. In 2011 she became a member of the International Organization “Reiki Alliance”.
Svetlana was a member of the Council of the Public Organization “Esoteric Academy” in Kazakhstan for 15 years, in the space of which she taught the practice of Reiki, Astrology, Tarot, Osho’s meditations, her name in sannyas is Ma Anand Sumati. Svetlana is also a Master of the four Deep Practices.
She was certified Innerlinks as a Transformation Game facilitator in 2018. She studied Regenerative Thinking for several years and has been teaching this way of thinking since 2020.
Website: https://regenerate.team/svetlana-ushakova/
Iryna Ostapyuk
is born in Western Ukraine in May 19, 1985. As a child she was sensitive and creative. Her love for languages lead her to philology and from 2002 to 2006 she trained as an interpreter and translator from and to English. She studies as well German, French and Italian. Soon after this, she starts working as a project manager and regional investment assistant and teaches English and Italian.
In 2008, after a break-down, Iryna starts practicing Reiki followed by a long period of education in energetic practices comprising massage, acupressure, meditation and craniosacral therapy. From 2016 a Reiki Master, happy mother, wife and artist living near Rome, Italy.
9:20: Archē (arkhé, ancient Greek: ἀρχή): “beginning”, “origin”, “source of action” and later “first principle”, “element”. By extension, “first place”, “method of government”, “empire, realm”, “authorities”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arche